Saturday, September 13, 2014

Visiting Lake Constance

So I must admit, blogging on a regular basis is harder than I thought. Being a full-blown procrastinator, I find it hard to sit down and pen (or type) a post on a regular schedule. But nevertheless I plan on trying.

As the title says, I've been paying Lake Constance a visit last week ( so I do have a half decent excuse to why I haven't posted a blog post then). I've been thinking that I'm not going to write a lot, but let pictures do the talking. Basically, my boyfriend and I visited a mountain (the Pfänder in Austria), went to the Meersburg, took a ferry to Constance (where we had the most amazing desert ever!), took a trip to the Affenberg ( a small wildlife park where a lot of monkeys live that you could feed with popcorn) and basically just enjoyed a lot of good food.

So without further ado: enjoy the pictures ;-)

Penne al Arrabiata..hmmm

Chicken Saté with curry rice...I admit, I'm awful at remembering to photograph my food before I start eating

The best dessert ever! Homemade vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce and a freshly baked chocolate cake with a molten center....I'm starting to drool just thinking about it!

This little guy was only around three months old. I wanted to take him home with me, he was soooo cute!



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